Sir Roger Penrose

It’s enough already now no longer just the latest hard ware and soft ware to buy. We must our thinking and working methods (how?) change as well of course! Our economic expertise and know-how-to-do must be constantly modified and adapted to the nature. Companies are vital open and mechanistic closed sub systems such as companies. The natural principle, used as such as decentralized responsibility Heterarchie, from some companies. As we took over the natural principle of efficiency. Otherwise, increasingly complex globalization will be in the future no longer rule – and controllable. A volcano makes almost the networked European flight schedule except strength.

The burden of proof how little we base our economy on ecology. We should policies and regulations on the Basis of values, rules and standards, consider only dynamically-variable applicable. Taking into account the Evolution(s-Theorie (Natur) and in the and look at the future innovation developments (cultures) we have to get to a better cooperation between physics and meta Physics!) Nobody has leased the entire wisdom for yourself! Quote: A scientific worldview that copes with the problem of mind and consciousness not profound, yet no serious claim to be exhaustive. (Sir Roger Penrose; Physicist, mathematician). Much can the Science (inductive thinking:?) still not explain and prove. The sales Psychology (mind Science: deductive thinking:!) proves that such as a car (hard facts, lens) is more than the sum of its individual parts.

There are still-to-value parameter (soft facts, subjective) Add. Or: What is my cat when I get home? Physics, the science of the operations in the inanimate nature. The physics includes both the description many physical phenomena as also the formulation of laws by which the phenomena are predictable and quantifiable. Models, descriptive or occasionally even abstract presentation frameworks, are lead to a theoretical framework, in which explains the physical world”can be. Meta physics, originally called for the abstract and philosophical works of Aristotle, which sorted in a standard since the 1st century arrangement of his works after the scientific writings were (meta ta physika, after the physics”).